Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Highlights of our Camping trip:

  • Being with our best friends, the Kohlers
  • Not getting pulled over, by the policemen, for failing to register our trailer
  • Playing in the hot springs
  • Jeff and David swimming across the river
  • Seeing a snake on our hike
  • D getting stung 3 times
  • Smores!
  • Being kept awake until 2:30 a.m. by some VERY rude campers!
  • David loaning me his earplugs so I could get some sleep
  • Jake teaching the younger kids how to play poker (shhhh.)
  • Lots of happy tired faces on the way back home.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Its Time!

I have finally decided its time to create a family blog. Mainly, because I don't write in my journal and I'm forgetting a lot of great memories and sayings. I hope this helps. This will definately be a "family" blog, as I am sure my boys will LOVE to record events as well.

I find myself watching my children. Really watching them. Amazed at their talents and their personalities.
Megan, for instance, is such a gracefull swimmer. It is relaxing to watch her play in the water. Calm, smooth, and flowing. Nothing like out of the water. Megan is also so full of Love. She needs to be loved and she loves to show it. I find myself wanting to shop with her. Which is crazy...because I do NOT like shopping. I know she will make it fun.
Mayli, is starting to become more independant. I love watching her feel more confident in herself and am so grateful its Finally happening... but it is a two-edged sword...I miss my baby. Josh, is a peacemaker, and wins the "favorite child of the day" award most days. (yeah, I know...I shouldn't even have that award!) and I love how he wants to be with me. I love his hugs, and that he runs sprints with me. I hope we can always do that.
Jake, is so trustworthy. I notice how he is true to his word...and the rules we have at home. I trust him and rely on him. He is responsibile. And just so we don't think he is perfect...he is a great tease.
Jeff, is 14. He walked into my room yesterday and I stared at him...wondering where my first born had gone. He has hit his growth spurt, his voice is changing, and I'm told (by him) he has to shave every once in awhile. He is a wonderful son. He is so good in the things that matter the most. He fullfills his church assignments, and is responsible.

They make me so proud. I am so grateful I have the job of being their mom. They make it easy, most days...and I am loving this stage in our lives.

I can't end this post without bragging about my fabulous husband. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him. He works hard each day, for me, and then comes home to help with dinner, kids, or whatever other thing I need help with. He makes me want to be a better person. I love him!

Be patient with me..as I try to figure out the whole "blogging" thing. I think it will be fun.